New MedInsight ebook: Gain a competitive edge with next-level employer group reporting

By Milliman MedInsight

8 August 2023

Advanced Employer Group Insights demonstrate the value of your health plan

As healthcare costs rise, health plans need tools that enable them to demonstrate the value of their plans and provide data-backed answers to the questions that keep business owners up at night.

How MedInsight Employer Group Insights (EGI) can help

Backed by decades of actuarial and healthcare experience and an industry leading Data Confidence Model, Milliman MedInsight’s Employer Group Insights (EGI) tool was built to provide employers with all of those things, including the answers to key questions:

  • Why are my costs rising?
  • How do my costs compare to those of my peers?
  • How is the risk of my population changing?
  • What tools can you provide for reducing my costs?
  • What tools can you provide for improving the health of employees?

The answers begin with the right data and the right tools for translating and organizing it.

Putting analytics to work

With the ability to drill down and compare healthcare claims data across groups or subgroups, EGI enables health plans to report evolving trends and key indicators – and opportunities for improvement – to their employer group clients. Health plans can use employer group insights to analyze utilization patterns, identify trends, compare population health management programs, and take actionable steps to reduce costs while increasing their plan value.

Built around Milliman MedInsight expertise, analytics, and industry-leading benchmarks and groupers, EGI provides the data and the data visualization tools that let you build the case for the value you provide, pinpoint opportunities to adjust, and demonstrate your commitment to the employer groups you serve.

EGI lets you tell your story – translating data you can trust into data your employer groups can visualize – and use to act:

  • Employer, Group, Sub-Group Reporting
  • Future Risk Predictions
  • Group Benchmarking
  • High-Cost Claimant Tracking
  • Pharmacy Management
  • Value Story
  • Book of Business Analysis

It is a powerful tool for translating healthcare data into healthcare improvement and aligning the interests of all stakeholders. It is data confidence in every sense of the word.

Download the ebook and talk to us

Learn more about the benefits of Milliman MedInsight EGI by downloading our ebook Gain a Competitive Edge with Advanced Employer Insights. You can also contact a member of the MedInsight team for a demonstration of how EGI works to tell the data-based story of your value and commitment.

Contact us to learn more about MedInsight Employer Group Insights