Tips for Ensuring Quality Encounter Data Submission in Medicaid Managed Care Programs
One area of data management within the healthcare industry that is getting new emphasis and interest from regulators is a focus on encounter data. Today, the majority of Americans receiving healthcare services funded through the Medicaid program are enrolled in some form of managed care. Under this scheme, states contract with MCOs that take on … Tips for Ensuring Quality Encounter Data Submission in Medicaid Managed Care Programs

Episodes of Care – Appendicitis
Evaluating the relationship between episode of care and length of stay in Appendicitis: In previous posts we have discussed some of the ways episodes of care can be used to compare two different networks and underlying practice patterns. We’d like to dive further on this thread and look at how episodes of care can be … Episodes of Care – Appendicitis

Ambulatory Care – Measuring Quality and the Impact of Nursing
The shift of medical care from the inpatient to outpatient setting coupled with the emphasis on transformative designed patient-centered medical home models provides measurement challenges and opportunities. The challenges are how to effectively measure quality in this setting given the range of services that are provided—from routine preventive care to complex surgical and invasive procedures. … Ambulatory Care – Measuring Quality and the Impact of Nursing