MedInsight Health Waste Calculator Featured in Health Affairs’ Third Most-Read Article of 2017
Practical Analytic Approaches to Healthcare Challenges Milliman’s MedInsight Health Waste Calculator – a leading analytic platform that provides actionable data around healthcare quality, efficiency, and effectiveness – was featured in Health Affairs’ third most-read article of 2017! The article, “Low-Cost, High-Volume Health Services Contribute The Most To Unnecessary Health Spending,” highlights the Commonwealth of Virginia’s … MedInsight Health Waste Calculator Featured in Health Affairs’ Third Most-Read Article of 2017

Overused Ophthalmology Imaging: More May Not Be Better
Practical Analytic Approaches to Healthcare Challenges Globally, policy makers and payers are focusing on services that are regarded medically unnecessary and do not yield useful results. In the United States, these are referred to as low- or no-value services and are considered wasteful. A significant percentage of the services considered wasteful are medical imaging when … Overused Ophthalmology Imaging: More May Not Be Better

Reducing Healthcare Waste: A Three Pronged Approach
Practical Analytic Approaches to Healthcare Challenges Experts and stakeholders across the industry agree that there is an immediate need to reduce wasteful healthcare spending in the US. A 2012 Institute of Medicine report estimated that one third of US healthcare spending, or $750 billion is wasted annually (Washington Post, September 2012). Of that amount, $210 … Reducing Healthcare Waste: A Three Pronged Approach