Wasteful Pre-Operative Cardiac Testing Prior to Low-Risk Surgery
Practical Analytic Approaches to Healthcare Challenges Anesthesiologists perform pre-operative assessment on all patients undergoing surgery in order to identify any disease or risks to the surgery and to plan perioperative anesthetic care to mitigate surgical risk. In patients with known cardiac disease, diagnostic cardiac tests such as stress tests and echocardiograms are sometimes recommended as … Wasteful Pre-Operative Cardiac Testing Prior to Low-Risk Surgery

Pre-operative Laboratory Testing for Low Risk Surgeries
Practical Analytic Approaches to Healthcare Challenges Routinely performing pre-operative testing is a common practice prior to surgery. The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Task Force defines routine tests as those done in the absence of any specific clinical indication or purpose (i.e. tests intended to discover a disease or disorder in an asymptomatic patient).1 Routine … Pre-operative Laboratory Testing for Low Risk Surgeries