The MedInsight Performance Benchmarking Suite of tools is a transformative solution that equips healthcare organizations with unparalleled insights and comparative analysis, enabling them to measure, evaluate, and optimize their performance like never before. By harnessing the power of data analytics, the MedInsight suite empowers organizations to compare their performance against Milliman’s highly respected benchmarks. With comprehensive metrics and key performance indicators, organizations gain a clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
These tools provide actionable insights across multiple domains, including quality measures, financial performance, operational efficiency, and patient satisfaction. By leveraging these insights, organizations can make informed decisions, identify best practices, and drive meaningful change to achieve exceptional outcomes.
The MedInsight Performance Benchmarking Suite enables organizations to track their progress continuously, identify trends, and proactively address performance gaps. With the MedInsight Performance Benchmarking Suite, healthcare organizations can align their strategies, drive performance improvement initiatives, and deliver high-quality care. By leveraging the power of comparative analysis and data-driven insights, they can achieve excellence, exceed industry benchmarks, and provide optimal outcomes for their patients. The MedInsight Performance Benchmarking Suite is the catalyst for continuous improvement and success in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
Claims and service categorization model
Health Cost Guidelines Grouper
Enables you to process your own claims experience through a Health Cost Guidelines (HCGs)-based methodology so that you can evaluate cost and utilization and better price your products.
Cost and utilization benchmarking
MedInsight Benchmarks
Leverages a core of vast empirical data, intimate local market knowledge for adjustment factors, and a wide number of plan and provider agreement variables.
Provider efficiency measurement
Offers provider contracting support by measuring provider efficiency via the assignment of relative value units (RVUs) to all services, including physicians and hospitals, DMEs and lab, and prescription drugs.