
What’s new in the MedInsight Benchmark Portfolio: Guiding our client’s challenges in population health, financial analysis, and network management

MedInsight has long been an industry leader in benchmarking capability. In 2020, we have partnered to greater extents than ever before with our clients to leverage our long line of population-based benchmarks, notably the world famous well managed actuarial model and our Guideline Analytics partnership with MCG.

Additionally, in 2020 MedInsight greatly expanded its portfolio of benchmark offerings. We recognized an interest in customization and more timely comparisons (especially in light of the dramatic trend changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic), and as a result we launched Real-Time Benchmarks, a database of claims data to shine light on utilization and cost patterns up to the nearest two (2) months based on over 18 million commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare Advantage lives.

Finally, we recognize the value from looking beyond claims analysis alone to leverage referential benchmarks to better understand the market outside of the organization’s purview. MedInsight acquired the Leavitt Partners database of Torch Insight along with their countless benchmarks on better understanding the Provider/ACO landscape.

Join us to hear our Chief Medical Officer, along with various members of our product leadership team, as they explain some of our client challenges and the role our numerous benchmarks have helped shape the direction of healthcare strategy.