
Direct Primary Care: A unique healthcare solution for employers - Background, key benefit considerations, industry offerings, and analytic challenges

The Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice model is relatively new and still evolving; there is no single definition of what constitutes a DPC practice. In 2020, the Society of Actuaries commissioned Milliman to develop a study characterizing the DPC model and evaluating certain claims made about its effectiveness. As the DPC model continues to grow, there are an increasing number of DPC point solutions available to employers self-funding their medical benefits. Join Everside Health, Hamilton Health Box, and Milliman for a discussion on DPC. We will provide background on the DPC model, cover key considerations for employers considering a DPC offering, and learn about two specific DPC offerings in the marketplace.


Kirk Rosin
Chief Revenue Officer, Everside Health

Adrian Tromel, MBA
VP of Strategy, Hamilton Health Box

Dustin Grzeskowiak, FSA, MAAA
Consulting Actuary, Milliman