
Advancements in quantifying low-value care opportunity: Reducing harmful cascades of care

Cascades of care refer to a succession of medical services that are often fueled by the desire to avoid even the smallest risk of a serious condition. They can follow from incidental or marginal findings on screening and diagnostic tests, some of which are themselves of low-value. Cascades of care are common and can be difficult to stop once the floodgates are opened, leading to significant harms for patients, clinicians, and the healthcare system at large.

In this webinar, Dr. Mark Fendrick, Director at University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Health, and Milliman MedInsight will highlight Milliman’s new methodology for measuring and quantifying cascades resulting in low-value care. They will focus on two different strategies to reduce both the initiation and the consequential impacts of cascades of care.

Reducing cascades while maintaining our commitment to high-quality care requires equipping patients and clinicians with the information, tools, and support to embrace uncertainty.


A. Mark Fendrick, M.D.
Director, University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design

Anikia Nelson, M.D.
Physician Consultant and Product Manager, MedInsight

Sarah Quinn
Sales Consultant, MedInsight