Identifying Appropriate Metrics For Population Management
For many reasons, including the advent of the Affordable Care Act, Population Health Management is gaining increased attention from healthcare organizations. A population health initiative has the promise to make care proactive, better coordinated and more customized for the population. A previous blog posting – Analytics for Population Health Management – outlined how populations are … Identifying Appropriate Metrics For Population Management

As more and more states create APCDs, their uses are expanding and evolving. Data generated by APCDs are being used to generate disease, injury, chronic condition, and utilization rates across demographic and geographic settings, as well as by payer type. States are also contemplating linking administrative claims data with clinical data in order to better … PHI and APCDs

Managing Data Supplier Relationships to Ensure Quality
Data quality is the foundation of any data warehouse. As the old saying goes “garbage in – garbage out.” If there are inconsistencies or irregularities in the data loaded into a data warehouse, all analyses based on those data are potentially flawed. Healthcare data are complex, and even data from organizations well experienced in claims … Managing Data Supplier Relationships to Ensure Quality