Risk Adjustment for Pediatric Populations
The use of risk adjustment in provider reimbursement arrangements has increased as alternative payment arrangements are becoming more widespread in health insurance. Risk adjustment has been used by Medicare Advantage and managed Medicaid plans to reimburse health plans for the unique risks and populations in their care. More recently, as carriers have transferred utilization risk … Risk Adjustment for Pediatric Populations

Analyzing Healthcare Efficiency Using MedInsight’s Waste Calculator
Rationale for Developing the Initial 20 Measures The concepts for the measures for the newest MedInsight product, the Health Waste Calculator, were identified from various publications about avoidable healthcare, medical waste, and Choosing Wisely. The team identified an initial list of 134 measures to develop. The prioritization of the initial 20 waste calculator measures, version … Analyzing Healthcare Efficiency Using MedInsight’s Waste Calculator